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최대 파일 크기 : 750MB, 최대 파일 수 : 20, 최대 미러 수 : 10

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 비회원 업로드를 지원하지 않는 호스팅 사이트를 사용하기 위해 로그인 혹은 회원 가입 해주세요.
 동영상 파일은 아래의 호스팅 사이트에서만 업로드가 가능합니다.
You may check the success status of file hosts by visiting this page : https://www.mirrored.to/p/host-status

Mirrored.to Uploads Your Files to Multiple Hosting Sites

Upload once, we do the rest

Simply upload your files to us once, and we'll take care of the rest. Our system will automatically mirror your files to the hosting sites you choose. You'll receive an aggregate link that includes download links for all the selected hosts.
Upload to your own accounts

The files you upload are stored on your own accounts on hosting sites so that you have 100% control of your data. Additionally, if the hosting sites support anonymous file uploads, you can even upload files without the need for registration.
Over 40 hosts to choose from

Select your favorite hosting sites from a list of over 40 top hosts. This includes popular cloud storage platforms such as Google Drive, Mediafire, GoFile, Yandex Disk, and many more. Our list also features dedicated video streaming hosts.
Uploading tools & methods

We provide multiple options for uploading files to our platform. You may upload files via a web browser, or use remote URL uploading where you could import a file directly from a link, or use our Windows Uploader Tool. We also offer a simple API for secure file uploading.
Monetize links using shorteners

We provide you with an opportunity to earn money from your download links by integrating URL shortening services such as ouo.io, exe.io etc directly into your Mirrored.to account. You can even use your own custom URL shorteners within your account.
Secure, Reliable and Free

Your files are permanently deleted from our servers once they are uploaded to the hosting sites. With over 10 million files mirrored to date, our service has proven to be rock solid, highly reliable, trustworthy, and completely free of charge.

To Learn more about our service, please visit the FAQ page.

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