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Report abuse of our service

If you believe any of the files uploaded through our service violates our terms of service or that your intellectual property rights have been infringed upon by one of our users, please send us an abuse notification as per the following format.

  • Please provide us with your name and your address.
  • Identify the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed. If your notification is regarding links containing unlawful content, please describe the same.
  • Please provide us the exact location(s) of the content with the exact Mirrored.to or Mirrorcreator.com or Mir.cr link(s). Please do not send any attached images, pdf or other file formats files, but only list with Mirrored.to or Mirrorcreator.com or Mir.cr url(s). Any enclosed attachments are not opened or examined due to security reasons.
  • Please provide us the web address under which the link has been published.

If your request applies to more than one Mirrored.to/Mirrorcreator.com/Mir.cr link please make sure that all links are complete. In case of queries, please ensure that you are reachable on the email address that you wrote to us from.

Send notifications to: abuse@mirrored.to

Please send the notifications ONLY to the above email address for quick processing. All proper abuse reports sent to our dedicated contact address will be reviewed within a few hours to a maximum time span of 24 hours any day of the week. Sending it to our other contact addresses or contacting our hosting provider may cause delay in processing your abuse reports as we do not have those inboxes monitored daily. Please do not send multiple notices for the same links.

Please note that we do not host any files on our server. We only act as a conduit for users to upload files to multiple storage sites. As such, you should be aware that we cannot delete files on other file hosts such as Google Drive, Solidfiles, Yandex etc. You must contact these hosts in order to get the specific file deleted from their servers.

We also offer an automated takedown tool to process abuse requests immediately without intervention by our staff. Please send an email to abuse@mirrored.to with your details to request access. If you are allowed access to our takedown tool, you will be representing that you have a good faith belief that the material associated with the URL infringes the copyrights in that material, and that you own the copyrights in that material or are authorized to represent the owner of the copyrights.